What is this thing you call a "Blog"?

You mean to say that people type up stuff and post it onto these sites? They storm up perhaps a review, or a piece of work, and put it up online for the Internet to see? 

I must say, this intrigues me, so I'll be attempting to use this invention you all refer to as "blogging." Mayhap I'll take a liking to it and "blog" more frequently... Perhaps I shall become a household name in the business of "blogging." And yes, perhaps one day, I shall come to rule the world with "blogging!"

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Wait, you didn't see that last bit. See? I have it crossed out. Whew, that was a close one. 

*ahem* So, anyway, I hope to put up some entertaining stuff on this blog, and if I'm so fortunate, you guys (that is to say anyone who will find and read this) will enjoy the content. My interests currently are exercising my writing and storytelling skills, and if I accumulate a good audience, bonus points. 

My blogging career begins NOW! 



Hmmm... Ahah! *clicks [PUBLISH POST]* 


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